Martin Dimovski

What was it about Microsoft that intrigued you?

My interest in Microsoft primarily stems from my extensive experience working with its technologies in my first three professional roles. In these positions, I engaged deeply with various Microsoft tools and platforms, which not only enhanced my technical skills but also instilled a genuine appreciation for the company's innovation and comprehensive solutions. What particularly intrigues me about Microsoft is the centralized management approach it offers. In my experience, this unified platform has significantly streamlined my workflow, especially in roles involving IT and Cloud Administration, and DevOps. This integration facilitates a more efficient and cohesive working environment, allowing for seamless management of various services from a single access point.

Moreover, I value Microsoft's commitment to providing robust support. In my career, I've found that having a reliable and singular point of contact for assistance greatly reduces downtime and enhances problem resolution efficiency. This has been instrumental in maintaining high-performance standards in my work.

Additionally, my preference for Microsoft's all-in-one solution aligns with my professional ethos of seeking simplicity and effectiveness in technology solutions. This approach not only minimizes the complexity of dealing with multiple vendors but also ensures a more integrated and reliable system, which I've found to be crucial in delivering optimal results in my projects. In conclusion, my interest in Microsoft is a blend of my positive past experiences with its technologies, appreciation for its streamlined and integrated approach, and the company's strong support framework. I see a great alignment between Microsoft's vision for technological advancement and my professional goals.

What motivated you to become an MCT?

My journey to becoming an MCT was driven by a blend of my passion for teaching and a deep-seated eagerness to learn. I've always enjoyed speaking and sharing knowledge, but as an MCT, it's not just about talking; it's about fully immersing myself in the subject to ensure comprehensive understanding for my students.

The continuous learning aspect of being an MCT is immensely rewarding. It keeps me updated with the latest in technology, allowing me to grow professionally while helping others to do the same. Sharing knowledge, for me, goes beyond just imparting information. It's about building a community where knowledge is a bridge to professional growth and innovation. My teaching approach is holistic and engaging, ensuring that complex concepts are accessible and retainable.

Additionally, the technical and professional perks of being an MCT, like early access to new technologies, beta exams, and exam discounts, are not just benefits; they are tools that empower me to be a more effective trainer and stay at the forefront of my field. Ultimately, the satisfaction I derive from seeing my students excel and the personal growth I experience in this role make being an MCT an immensely fulfilling part of my career.

In your opinion what are the benefits of becoming an MCT?

Becoming a Microsoft Certified Trainer has brought a multitude of benefits, both professionally and personally. Firstly, it has positioned me as a Microsoft ambassador, a role I take great pride in. This status not only allows me to enhance the tech skills of those attending my trainings but also to actively contribute to the growth of the wider tech community. The diverse interactions I encounter as an MCT have been incredibly enriching. Each training session brings new people, unique characters, and different scenarios, presenting challenges that have honed my skills in communication and adaptability. Additionally, access to a wide range of Microsoft’s technical tools has been invaluable. These resources enable me to provide comprehensive, hands-on demonstrations, significantly elevating the learning experience for my trainees.

Beyond these, being an MCT has opened up a world of continuous learning and professional networking. I am constantly exposed to the latest advancements in Microsoft technologies, keeping me at the forefront of the field. This ongoing education, coupled with the professional recognition and credibility that come with being an MCT has opened up numerous opportunities, from speaking engagements to consultancy roles, furthering my career in ways I had not imagined.

What drew you to Semos Education?

What truly drew me to Semos Education was the exceptional team of professionals working there. Their combined expertise, passion for education, and dedication to innovation in technology training really stood out for me. It's the people at Semos who foster a collaborative and dynamic environment, which is crucial for effective learning and professional growth. My decision was also influenced by inspiring personal interactions with team members. For example, meeting Irena, the first female MCT from Macedonia, was particularly impactful. These experiences not only demonstrated their professional skills but also highlighted a shared commitment to empowering both learners and educators.

Furthermore, I found a deep resonance with Semos Education's values and mission. Their focus on practical, hands-on learning and keeping pace with technological trends aligns perfectly with my professional approach and beliefs. Being a part of Semos Education means contributing to a team that is making a real difference in the world of technology education. It’s about being involved in a community that prioritizes knowledge sharing and continuous learning, principles that are fundamental to my own career path.

Semos Education can proudly say that one of the five Azure MVP’s in Macedonia is our MCT. What does this title mean to you, in the Microsoft elite and at a professional level?

Being one of the five Azure MVPs in Macedonia is an honor that represents the culmination of my journey with Microsoft technologies—a journey marked by dedication, continuous learning, and a deep commitment to the tech community. The MVP title, to me, is not just a recognition of my technical expertise, but also of the contributions I've made by teaching, mentoring, and sharing knowledge with others.

Professionally, the MVP status has been both a catalyst for growth and a gateway to unparalleled opportunities. It has allowed me to connect with other leaders in the field, participate in exclusive Microsoft events, and stay ahead of the curve with early access to technologies.

At the heart of the MVP award is the principle of community—from the community to the community—which resonates with my belief in the power of shared knowledge. As an MVP, I am part of a global network of experts, and this empowers me to bring the best practices and latest innovations to Semos Education and beyond. In my role as an MCT, the MVP title underscores my ability to deliver the highest level of training, enriched by real-world experience and insights that only come from operating at the forefront of technology. It's about inspiring and guiding the next generation of professionals to reach new heights in their careers, just as I have in mine.

What is your favourite aspect about teaching?

My favorite aspect of teaching is the use of drawing as a tool for explanation. I've always believed that visual aids can significantly enhance understanding, especially when dealing with complex topics. When I draw out concepts, it helps in breaking down complicated ideas into simpler, more digestible parts. I've noticed that students tend to grasp concepts much more easily and quickly when they are accompanied by visual representations. It's not just about the act of drawing itself; it's about translating abstract ideas into concrete, visual forms that students can relate to and understand.

This approach also allows me to engage with students in a more interactive and dynamic way. It encourages them to visualize problems and solutions, fostering a deeper and more intuitive understanding of the subject matter. Additionally, it caters to different learning styles, particularly benefiting those who are visual learners. In essence, drawing during my teaching sessions embodies my philosophy of making learning accessible and enjoyable. It's gratifying to see the 'aha' moments in my students when a complex concept suddenly becomes clear through a simple drawing. This aspect of teaching is not just effective; it's incredibly rewarding.

Martin, you are currently living in The Netherlands. Could you share what is so specific to that region? What is life there like? Is there anything you miss from back home?

Yes, after much consideration, I decided to move to the Netherlands. The region has its unique charm, and life here is quite pleasant. It's interesting to note the similarities and differences compared to life back in Skopje. One of the most noticeable differences is the mode of transportation. In Skopje, the streets are bustling with cars, but here in the Netherlands, bicycles are the preferred mode of transport. It's not just a way to get around; it's a part of the culture, reflecting a commitment to sustainability and healthy living.

I'm still in the process of learning and adapting to the local culture. The Dutch have their own unique customs and ways of life, which I find fascinating. The experience has been an enlightening journey in understanding and appreciating the diversity of lifestyles and perspectives. However, despite the positive aspects of living in the Netherlands, I do miss my family and friends back home in Skopje. There's a certain warmth and familiarity with loved ones that can't be replaced, no matter how comfortable or interesting life abroad is. The emotional connection to home, with its memories and shared experiences, is something I cherish and long for from time to time.

How has this living situation impacted your involvement at Semos Education as an MCT?

Moving to the Netherlands has not negatively impacted my involvement with Semos Education as an MCT, thanks to the widespread adoption of virtual training. In fact, I believe this shift has brought several advantages, both for me as a trainer and for the students. One of the most significant benefits of virtual training is the convenience it offers to attendees. They no longer need to worry about the logistics of traveling, such as commuting or parking expenses. This ease of access means that students can join from anywhere which is particularly advantageous for those who may have faced geographical barriers to attending in-person sessions. Moreover, the comfort of learning from one’s own environment cannot be understated. Students can wear pajamas, enjoy their coffee, and create a learning space that suits their personal preferences, all of which can make the learning experience more enjoyable and less stressful.

From a trainer’s perspective, virtual training has allowed me to reach a wider and more diverse audience. It has also pushed me to adapt and innovate my teaching methods to be effective in a digital format. I've incorporated various interactive tools and techniques to ensure that the training remains engaging and interactive, even through a screen. In summary, while the transition to virtual training required some adjustments initially, it has ultimately expanded the reach and accessibility of the training programs at Semos Education, making them more inclusive and adaptable to the needs of a diverse group of learners.

Which countries have you travelled to in order to deliver trainings and for which clients?

In my role as a trainer, I've had the opportunity to travel to various countries, each offering unique experiences and learning opportunities. The most frequently visited country for my trainings has been Norway. I have a particular fondness for the culture there, especially my interest in Vikings!

Besides Norway, I've conducted trainings in several other countries, including The Netherlands, Sweden, Denmark, Switzerland, Germany, Serbia, Croatia, Albania, and Bulgaria. In these countries, I've worked with a diverse array of clients ranging from tech startups to established corporations, covering sectors such as IT, finance, telecommunications, and education. These experiences have not only allowed me to share my knowledge and expertise in different cultural settings but also to learn from the varied approaches and practices in each of these countries. It's been a rewarding journey, both professionally and personally, as it has broadened my understanding of global business and technology landscapes.

How do you feel after each training?

After each training session, I genuinely feel happy, despite a bit of tiredness that naturally comes with the effort. Some might find it hard to believe, but the sense of fulfillment I get from teaching is incredibly rewarding. Every training session brings new faces, new personalities, and new perspectives. This diversity is what makes each experience unique and enriching. It's not just about imparting knowledge; it's about the interaction, the exchange of ideas, and the mutual learning that occurs. Seeing participants engage, ask questions, and gradually grasp the concepts brings a great sense of accomplishment.

Furthermore, the happiness I feel is also tied to the continuous learning and growth that I experience as a trainer. Each group challenges me in different ways, pushing me to adapt and refine my teaching methods. This keeps my role dynamic and exciting. In summary, the happiness I feel after each training session is a blend of the joy of teaching, the pleasure of interacting with diverse individuals, and the satisfaction of contributing to someone else's growth and understanding. It's these aspects of training that energize me and keep me passionate about my work.

Jean Paul Satre once said „There may be more beautiful times, but this one is ours.” Why would you consider this the right time for someone to join Semos Education and become an MCT?

Jean Paul Sartre’s words resonate deeply with me, especially in the context of joining Semos Education to become an MCT. This quote aligns well with my favorite saying by Michelangelo at 88 years old, „I am still learning.“ Both quotes underscore the timeless value of seizing the present moment for growth and learning.

Semos Education represents an ideal environment for continuous learning and growth. It’s a place of professional and supportive people who are not just colleagues but also mentors and guides. The support and advice available here can make a significant difference for anyone embarking on their journey to become an MCT. Now is indeed the right time to join Semos Education. The world of technology is rapidly evolving, and the need for skilled trainers has never been greater. With the wealth of resources and opportunities available at Semos Education, there’s no better place to start or advance your journey as an MCT.

To those who are considering applying but may feel hesitant, I say, 'Just go for it.' The current landscape is ripe with possibilities, and resources are more accessible than ever. Use your time wisely, dream big, and remember that the journey of learning and teaching is a continuous and rewarding one. Embrace this time as yours, and take the step towards becoming an MCT at Semos Education.

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